Why change the way we consume flour?

by | Dec 6, 2022 | Floura Blogs

Flour is a staple ingredient in most of our meals, but we rarely think about it. It’s both a necessary and an intriguing part of cooking.

We have combined the old world of wholesome flour with the technology of today. We’re proud to present the world’s first flour grinding and vending machine, Floura.

Floura is an easy to use, automated flour grinding and vending machine. It grinds whole grains into wholesome flour with stone milling technology, in just a few minutes. Floura comes with a built-in touchscreen display that allows you to choose the type of flour you want to grind, how much, and how fine. All you have to do is select your preferences  &  Floura will take care of the rest. Floura grounds your flour only after you order, which means that it’s as fresh as it gets.

Let’s understand about how an innovative technology that’s going to change the way we produce and consume flour!

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Why we need to change the way we consume flour:

Supply Chain

To get flour to your table, wheat must be grown, milled, and transported.Wheat is grown by farmers, who sell it to local millers. After being milled, the flour travels long distances every day to get to distribution centers where it is stocked. From there, it goes to regional stockists and finally reaches your grocery store shelves. This whole process is very carbon-intensive due to the miles traveled by the trucks every day.

With Floura we can shift from a centralized supply chain to creating a decentralized one where we have local mills in every region & create a new supply chain where we source locally, mill locally & consume locally. This new model will reduce the thousands of miles flour takes to reach you, thereby reducing your carbon footprint & helping us all to move towards net zero. With blockchain technology, we can make every process transparent. This new way of doing things will help local economies build resilient supply chains.

“According to McKinsey & Co, a typical consumer company’s supply chain creates far greater social and environmental costs than its own operations, accounting for more than 80 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions and more than 90 percent of the impact on air, land, water, biodiversity, and geological resources.”  
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We’ve all heard of the importance of using fresh, high quality ingredients in cooking, but have you ever really considered why? 

For example, would you rather have instant coffee or freshly ground coffee? Fresh, right? It’s the same for flour.  Having fresh flours make a huge difference in taste and texture. Bread made with freshly milled flour has a better texture, flavor, and stays fresh longer because it contains more natural oils than bread made from older flour. It’s good sense: fresh is better!

Flour is only ground in Floura once an order has been placed which ensures that people only get the freshest produce. This also reduces surplus production and reduces food waste.

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Wheat is made of 3 parts namely fibre rich – Bran; nutrient-packed core – Germ; & starchy carbohydrate – Endosperm.

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Flour is made from 2 different technologies. One is the old-fashioned stone mills where the 2 stones crush the wheat wholly keeping all the nutrients, proteins & essential oils intact however the presence of natural oils makes this flour of limited shelf life. The second way is to produce flour with roller mills, which is the modern way of milling. The steel rollers strip away the oily germ and peel the bran producing a white endosperm flour with a long stable shelf stable. Today most of the flour worldwide is made with this roller mills.

Floura makes use of stone mills to produce flour ensuring the flour that’s produced contains the essence of wheat as a whole.

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With Floura, we want to build a resilient flour supply chain bringing in all the stakeholders—from like-minded farmers who cultivate grains in a more planet-friendly manner to milling it locally and partnering up with local independent bakers to create the freshest bread. This way, opting for genuine fresh flour  can benefit the planet. It will also help funnel money back into the local community via entrepreneurship and job creation. 

With this new ecosystem your bread will be fresher, communities will benefit, and you’ll be helping the planet by using fresh flour.


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Explore our Freshly made Flours

What would be the best, cooking your own food with 100% fresh and quality flours. Explore our range of flours made with modern technology and with love. Order now at your doorstep!

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